A Wolf In The Winery

The surprise wasn’t so much what the villagers spotted that day roaming among the grape vines, but where they saw it. Wolves, after all, have made a steady comeback in France after being eradicated nearly a century ago. There are now at least 530 of them, according to government estimates — more if you ask the many farmers who’ve lost livestock to the predators in … Continue reading A Wolf In The Winery

Why France Has Any Bears At All

SON — Mankind has been anything but kind to France’s largest carnivore, the Euroasian brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos), which came within a hair’s breadth of disappearing completely from the national territory. But humans are also the reason there are any wild bears left in France. That’s because starting in the 1980s, a plan was hatched to save the few remaining animals — all of … Continue reading Why France Has Any Bears At All